EXPERIENCE sustainability
City tours | Workshops | Seminars
Renewable Energies/Climate Protection/Sustainable Mobility/Urban Planning/Sustainable Food and Agriculture/Green Business
Slow Fashion project in schools
The “Slow Fashion Challenge” project was conceived by us together with Kleiderei with the idea of informing young people in Freiburg about alternatives to fast fashion and, above all, encouraging/motivating them to take personal action. This target group identifies...

Slow Fashion Project in schools
The “Slow Fashion Challenge” project was conceived by us together with Kleiderei with the idea of informing young people in Freiburg about alternatives to fast fashion and, above all, encouraging/motivating them to take personal action. This target group identifies...

A Clown’s Mind
ERASMUS+ from inside out After so many years of organising ERASMUS+ projects (see https://www.aiforia.eu/projects, it was finally time for us to get involved as participants as well! The opportunity occurred with the ERASMUS+ training course "A Clown's Mind" which...

Youth Camp in Spain
Seven young people each from Germany, Romania and Spain responded to the call of our 'Green Cities of YOUth' project and came together for the second Youth Camp in Miguelturra, south of Madrid, Spain. And the location - a hostel with a surrounding animal enclosure and...

US students are discovering the Green City Freiburg
The students from the IES Abroad spring term are highly motivated to understand how environmental friendly building, renewable energy, reliable and safe public transportation, community engagement, cooperative forms of housing, waste management, sustainable forest...

Green Cities of YOUth – Youth Meeting in Romania
As part of our ERASMUS + project Green Cities of YOUth, we offer the opportunity to participate in an international work camp with young people between 18 and 30 years of age from Germany, Spain and Romania. We want to explore with you the question of how our cities...

Sustainable Mobility Tour
A lovely sunny February day welcomed the two representatives of Tampere climate and environmental policy department (Finland), who came to Freiburg to analyze in a deeper way the sustainable mobility plan of the city and observe some of its best practices. After an...

Green Cities of Youth
How to transform small communities into green and sustainable communities? And how can young people be part of this transformation process? These are the guiding questions of the new ERASMUS + project "Green Cities of Youth" that is implemented by aiforia - ecoculture...
What Our Customers Say…
Thank you for the wonderful, guided tour of Vauban. Our guide was really all round excellent. Nice, clear, very knowledgeable, interactive, asking plenty of questions, and able to adapt to the group as the tour proceeded. And excellent English.
American Council for International Studies
Vielen Dank für eine rundum gelungene Woche Bildungsurlaub zum Thema “GreenCity Freiburg”. Sechs Tage lang wurden wir fachkundig sowohl theoretisch als auch ganz praktisch vor Ort durch die vielseitigen Aspekte der nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung Freiburgs geführt. Die Dozentin ließ genug Raum für Diskussionen, Erfahrungsberichte Einzelner und für unsere zahlreichen Fragen. Darüberhinaus passte sie sich stets geduldig den Bedürfnissen der heterogenen Gruppe an und hatte für alle einen guten Tipp für die individuelle Freizeitgestaltung parat.
Sabine L.