Our handbook “INVENTORY OF NATURE-BASED INNOVATIONS” is finally here!
As part of the NABI project, together with our international partners, we collected exemplary practices from municipalities that applied innovative solutions in the area of green space and rainwater in this online publication. The nature-based solutions presented focus on good examples of green space management, urban forests, rainwater collection, biodiversity enhancement, as well as blue and green infrastructure schemes and other examples from all over Europe.

NABI – Nature-based Innovations for Urban Green and Stormwater Management is an Erasmus + Project in cooperation with the partners: Reflex Environmental Association (Hungary), Cospe – Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti Onlus (Italy), Klimabündnis Österreich Gemeinnützige Förderungs- und Beratungs GmbH (Austria), FocusEco Center (Romania), Istarska Razvojna Agencija (Croatia).

Here you can find the handbook.

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