SCOPRI la sostenibilità

Gite in città | Workshop | Seminari

Let´s make it happen!

Let´s make it happen! - Facciamo in modo che accaba! Questo slogan del marketing nazionale lussemburghese ha caratterizzato anche il secondo scambio internazionale di formazione nel nostro progetto ERASMUS + "Identities - Much More than Cards" dal 19 al 23 marzo 2018:...

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Tirocinio per Study Visit Friburgo

Stiamo cercando un(a) giovane laureato/a di madrelingua italiana, per affiancare i nostri esperti nell'organizzazione e realizzazione di visite tecniche alla città di Friburgo (Study Visit Friburgo), ed eventualmente per l'assistenza in progetti internazionali. La...

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What we are up to a.k.a. new projects

The last few months have been rather busy but thoroughly enjoyable at our offices: two new projects have kicked off, there have been several groups for study visits, we have been in collaborative sessions for future projects, and many other activities (including...

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Aquapath: one of the most inspiring initiatives of 2016

Each year Efficycle – an online news provider on sustainability issues – compiles an overview of the most inspiring initiatives from around the world. For 2016, Aquapath project was listed among the selected 366. If you are good at French, have a look at the brochure...

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Local Renewables Conference 2016

Last week took place the seventh Local Renewables Conference in Freiburg. Organized by ICLEI and cities of Freiburg and Basel, the three-day program included plenaries, workshops, speeches, guided tours, cross-border travelling and the most delicious chocolate...

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We are happy to announce that the online reporting tool SeeClickFix is fully operational at our Aquapath’s project page! Whoop! In case you joined us at the Water Festival on the 4th of June, you may already have had a glimpse of it. During the Festival, we had games...

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We are thrilled that the project “On the tracks of the Regional Products” or “Regional versorgt” is continuing this year. The project consists of four daily excursions to the places in Freiburg and its surrounding areas where our food is produced. The aim of the...

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