Intrigued by the immense resiliency capacity of natural ecosystems, our team is delighted to join a new endeavour to explore “Nature-Based Innovations for Urban Forest and Rainwater Management” (short: NABI), as is the title of a 3-year project under ERASMUS+ programme. December 14 has seen the official, yet virtual kick-off meeting with 5 more organisations and institutions from all over Europe (Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy and Romania respectively): a great warm-up on the topic with partners sharing examples, discussing definitions and framing the context of Nature-Based Innovations to be focussed on. Schemes for water retention, increased biodiversity and sustainable forest management shall be amongst them.

In a first step, we will study good practice examples from all over Germany (and partners’ countries) and assess them for adaptability. Such Nature-Based Innovations case studies shall feed the development of a learning manual to support local decision-makers and experts, showcasing innovations in urban green space management and exemplary regulation of green space management.

Practicioners and experts in natural resource management, in particular forest and water management are very welcome to get in touch with us and share their experience.

In return, we will organise multiplier events for stakeholders in local communities to inform about the proceeedings an findings, so stay tuned for updates on NABI on our website and facebook!


The NABI project consortium joining virtually for the kick-off     

Example of urban rainwater management in Freiburg Vauban

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