IMG_3647.4We are happy to announce that the online reporting tool SeeClickFix is fully operational at our Aquapath’s project page! Whoop!

In case you joined us at the Water Festival on the 4th of June, you may already have had a glimpse of it. During the Festival, we had games and discussions on water topics that had a largely global perspective. But the water at the local level is just as important, especially as this is the sphere where we can have a hands-on and a more immediate impact to keep our waterbodies enchanting and untainted.

How does it work? Simple:

  1. Note a problem, e.g. trash in the riverbed, water leakage, poisonous effluents;
  2. Take a photo of the situation, if you can;
  3. Go on to our Aquapath’s website and click on “Report”, where you can then insert the information, with marking the location and uploading the photos.
  4. Wait till it’s fixed by the authorities or, alternatively, gather up with other active citizens and fix it yourselves!

Trash in the river? Now you can report it online. Image from:

You can use the reporting tool as a “guest” or you can sign up to be a member. The latter has the benefit of being able to see to whom the issue is reported to, and how the problem is fixed.

Screen Shot 2016-08-26 at 10.59.15People all over the world are already using SeeClickFix and another wonderful thing about it is that it can be also used to getting other public problems fixed (illegal trash dumping, graffiti, potholes, fallen trees on the road etc).

Great, isn’t? So, let’s put this online reporting tool into a good use.