Green Cities of YOUth – Youth Meeting in Romania

Green Cities of YOUth – Youth Meeting in Romania

As part of our ERASMUS + project Green Cities of YOUth, we offer the opportunity to participate in an international work camp with young people between 18 and 30 years of age from Germany, Spain and Romania.

We want to explore with you the question of how our cities and municipalities can reduce their ecological footprint and how they can become more involved in climate protection. Your opinion is needed! Which projects should be implemented? And how can you get involved?

Join us and meet young people from Spain and Romania and learn together how you can work for a sustainable future in your city!

An exciting programme of lectures and interactive exercises awaits you, and you can get creative yourself. Of course, there will also be plenty of time for getting to know each other, for fun and culture in the lively metropolis of Bucharest.

The event will take place from 13-17 July in Bucharest. Arrival is planned for 12 July, departure for 18 July.

Travel and accommodation will be organised by us and the costs will be covered by the European ERASMUS+ programme.

More information and registration contact

Sustainable Mobility Tour

Sustainable Mobility Tour

A lovely sunny February day welcomed the two representatives of Tampere climate and environmental policy department (Finland), who came to Freiburg to analyze in a deeper way the sustainable mobility plan of the city and observe some of its best practices.

After an introduction of the city policies and decisions that earned Freiburg the reputation of Green City of Europe, we moved to the city center to discover first-hand some of the measures applied: the major redevelopment plans in Platz der alten Synagoge, the modification of the east side of the inner city ring initiated by a local association, pop-up urbanism projects in which public space is given back to citizens, the effects of a  pedestrianised city centre, are just a few examples.
The morning ended with a visit to the famous eco-district of Vauban, where we talked about Spielstraßen (play streets), democratic mobility and the choices that led to the outcome of 17 car ownership per 100 inhabitants.
In the afternoon the two guests had a bicycle tour to experience the city cycling infrastructures – among the other the FR1 and FR2 cycle highways – while visiting the new town hall Rathaus im Stühlinger, the spot where the future district Dietenbach Nord is getting built and Rieselfeld, the second eco-district of Freiburg.
Aiforia organises tours on this and other topics related to sustainable urban development for administrations, schools, universities and professional associations.
Green Cities of Youth

Green Cities of Youth

How to transform small communities into green and sustainable communities? And how can young people be part of this transformation process? These are the guiding questions of the new ERASMUS + project “Green Cities of Youth” that is implemented by aiforia – ecoculture e.V. together with a youth organisation from central Spain and one from Romania.

To identify first ideas the Romanian and the Spanish team together with some youngsters visited Freiburg in July and had the opportunity to speak with respresentatives of several organisations (e.g. zusammen leben e.V., Bike Bridge, Solare Zukunft e.V., Über den Tellerrand kochen) and even take part in activities of current projects in Freiburg such as Forschungsraumwochen (a joint project of the Municipality of Freiburg together with local organisations such as Kommunikation und Medien e.V.).

Meanwhile the youngsters had to envision their ideal green municipality and develop a survey which is now conducted in their home countries to better understand their needs and integrate them in to our guidebook.

We are looking forward to our youth exchange event which will take place in July 2023 in Romania!

NABI – Coordination meeting in Florence

NABI – Coordination meeting in Florence

The consortium of the NABI project (Nature based Innovations for Urban Forest and Rainwater Management) met in Florence last week. During the third face-to-face meeting, the partners discussed the activities still open in this last phase of the project. The dissemination of the two guides produced in the past months was certainly one of the central points.
The focus of the two works is the circulation of good practices, already implemented in the different project countries, that have been able to use natural solutions to respond to the effects of climate change. The guides are addressed to administrations, as well as to all those stakeholders currently called upon to design more resilient cities. (You can find the first inventory here).


Thanks to Cospe, the Italian host partner, meetings with Italian entities working with NBS were also organised during the two days, bringing new perspectives in this field to the consortium.
Finally, the group had the opportunity to visit the beautiful city of Florence with a local expert, who explained the ancient relationship between the city and the Arno River and showed some interesting projects that reconciled nature and the urban environment.
Future Fashion Days 2022

Future Fashion Days 2022

Fast Fashion ist allgegenwärtig, auch in Freiburg, und die Alternativen erfahren immer noch zu wenig Beachtung. Das wollen wir ändern, mit der großen Vision eines Textilkollektivs für Freiburg und vielen kleinen Schritten in diese Richtung. Unter dem Titel „Future Fashion Days“ wollen wir von Mai bis September 2022 aufmerksam machen auf Möglichkeiten, Mode und Textilien zukunftsfähig zu produzieren und konsumieren. Mehr Infos dazu hier.