From October 1 to 5 we have met in Udine, Italy, for our first short term training event within our project „IDENTITIES – Much More Than Cards“. Each project partner has invited teachers or mentors who work with migrants to share with us their valuable experiences and teaching methods.
This international exchange was combined by two visits of organisations that provide support and tuition to refugees, migrants and asylum seekers: The CARITAS Center at Cividale who is responsible for the local implementation of the Italian SPRAR program and the Balducci Center in Udine.
The SPRAR (Protection System for Asylum Seekers and Refugees) program is managed by the Italian Ministry of the Interior and funded by the National Fund for Asylum Policies and Services with the object to enable individual involvement in life in Italy in terms of language learning, employment and and housing integration. The duration of participating in the SPRAR program is limited to one year. In the Caritas Center Cividale a migrant teacher explained to us the SPRAR program and the projects they offer in Cividale (e.g. Italian lessons, exchange with local residents). Migrants joined our meeting and therefore we could learn a bit about their lifes and needs and expectations when leaving the SPRAR program. Finally, we met at the SPRAR apartment to enjoy the delicious Pizza that the residents of the apartment have prepared for us.
At the Balducci Center we met a little different situation. Migrants and asylum seekers live together in this well situated and welcoming place, either in single/family apartments or single rooms with communal kitchens. Because of a different funding situation (public and private fundings) as in the SPRAR program, people can stay there as long as they individually need to integrate into Italian life and can get each help that they need. A huge number of volunteers is supporting these processes and the daily life of the residents.



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